Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Is Lucas Janse v Vuuren the leader of the pack or is Shane Farren starting to climb the ladder (oh yes and what happened to Kevin Purcell?)

Idanette Barnard has some interesting comments and Amanda White is very honest!

Jan Hendrik Rust cannot stand it that Anthony Fouche is participating more than he is... 

Lets see what happens today...

What is your thoughts, experiences etc. on Soft Skills

Watch this 4 minutes YouTube interview :


  1. Soft skills as I see it is being able to communicate both up and down "the corporate ladder".

    The mistake that is often made is thinking that talking is communicating - listening and body language is in my opinion more important.
    For example. A person walks into your work station and you say "Hello and how are you"? But you body language say "Now what do you want"? guess what that person "hears"?

    Another interesting point in interpersonal skills is THE CULTURE factor.
    Being from KZN and being interested in the Zulu custom here are a few customs that not many other know or understand.
    1. A Zulu person talks loudly to the person he is standing next to, so that he is not thought of as being a gossip.
    2. Two people are standing talking in a corridor when a Zulu person walks between them. This is to show that they are not being underhand and "going behind your back".
    3. When seeing a person for the first time in that day it is rude not to say hello an inquire as to how they are before getting down to business.

    1. Bobby you are so correct in THE CULTURAL FACTOR.

      Interesting fact about the loud talking comes from Shaka's days. He decreed it because as you say he believed that people were gossiping about him and trying to plot to kill him.

      Most of the time when someone walks into my office and asks how i am I wonder whet they need as my personal life stays at home so no one needs to know....

  2. Ai to have to get my soft skills developed will take a lot...i battle to get along with other people in my circle as i am passionate about my work...some aren't and that makes me retract from them..and disassociate me from negativity.

    I think my interpersonal skills is okish as i get along with anyone and i am very adaptable. So i can fall in with any group. What i mean by that give an example...I have a wide range of music choice form heavy classical and opera to the heavy metal of Panthera ect. So to adept to other music i also listen to other peoples music ti fit in.....

    To get to the video i watched. interesting and a eye opener.......i suppose my best trait is that i am a team player..i like it when everyone is on the same the companies side...

  3. well done on your last comment Lukas. I really like the team player comment. The videos and discussion so far have been great! The topics have really been about how we react everyday with ourselves and people and to be honest this is the first time that I have really tried to reflect on the topics discussed and to try and identify how I portray myself and how others portray me. It is also interesting to find out how companies are taking the time and changing towards better understanding the people in the company. This also confirms that Goscor is on the right track with our values that we have. Soft skills are important to understand. We work with people everyday so we need to understand them on a more deeper/insightful way (Family Values) to ensure that everyone is performing at their best and that they realize they have an important skillset to offer (empowerment). Getting a long with everyone's personality and recognising unique skills can only lead to a healthy team and working environment (partnership). Amanda, well done on yesterday's Blog. I really enjoyed reading your points you wrote. Bobby that was also interesting what you wrote on the culture factor and I learnt something new.

  4. Soft Skills are behavioral competencies. Also known as Interpersonal Skills, or people skills, they include proficiencies such as:
    Communication skills
    Conflict resolution
    Personal effectiveness
    Creative problem solving
    Strategic thinking
    Team building
    Influencing skills
    and selling skills, to name a few.

    1. Elsabe, I applaud you on the above. As you clearly stated, Soft Skills are behavioural adn we all have a problem in each of the categories you made.
      Communication is a huge issue. I feel that our conmpany is a Universal company and that the preferred language should be English.
      Negotiation does not exists sometimes, changes get made and all have to live with it.
      Creative problem solving is my strong point. Why leave the problem as is if Ican resolve same. I feel that I have a very strong influence on the people that I work with and therefore I can honestly say that it has made my day and work so much easier. Being FOCUSED is very important and if you know where you want to go to, strong Influence is important. I feel that I have rubbed my skills of on my suppliers and therefore we work in a very strong TEAM. Personal Effectiveness: NOT GOOD, I have a lot to work on as I want things done immediately and get very upset if I can't due to other people not doing their duties.

  5. Well done Elsabe.

    I will comment on those point how i am.

    Communication skills . I think i am good here as i can communicate with everyone who is willing.
    Conflict resolution . Eish boss i are not good cause i just take a step back and rethink it. If i were to be right....i will try get my point across. If i was wrong.. i will be the first to appologise.
    Negotiation. Ill ask Elsabe to answer this one.
    Personal effectiveness. Can be better
    Creative problem solving. Not to bad i think..could most probably be better.
    Strategic thinking . Good
    Team building. Very good
    Influencing skills . What do you think Elsabe.
    and selling skills, to name a few. I think i can sell.

    1. Always a good thing to be honest about yourself Lukas. Well done!!!!

  6. Lukas, to answer you on the point Negotiation: Good negotiating is an essential skill to influence the outcome to a commercial process, where the parties may have different perspectives, positions and business interests. It is about achieving agreements that are right for the various parties in order to develop the business and build effective long-term relationships.

    And on the point Influencing skills: Influencing is a key element for engaging and relating to others. Your influencing approach is the one you typically use when you are trying to persuade others. Let’s call it your natural way of trying to get things done in the way you want them done.
    Lukas did I answer your question?

    1. Elsabe

      You did answer and i fully agree with you...Thank you very much.
      See you guys tom as i have appointments to be met with clients.

  7. The HEAT is on...

    I am sharing some of the backstage politics! Loving IT! well done...Gosgenoot!

    RE: Doro-elle Challenge
    Shane Farren
    Sent: 06 November 2013 13:29
    Jan-Hendrik Rust
    Adri Dornbrack

    Adri please exchange my points for tissues and give those to Jan - little baby.

    Hope you have a safe flight back.

    From: Jan-Hendrik Rust
    Sent: 06 November 2013 01:11 PM
    To: Shane Farren
    Cc: Adri Dornbrack
    Subject: RE: Doro-elle Challenge

    Hi Adri

    Please don’t allocate any points to Shane, his attitude towards me is hostile and I’m not going to tolerate any of his comments anymore. I can’t help that I like to hang out with Durban sales staff more then to sit through his boring small talk conversations.



    From: Shane Farren
    Sent: 06 November 2013 01:05 PM
    To: Jan-Hendrik Rust
    Cc: Adri Dornbrack
    Subject: Doro-elle Challenge

    Hi Jan,

    Challenging you to blog today. Just because you in Durban doesn’t mean you can’t blog.


  8. Kevin Purcell wrote to Charlene Joosten:

    Hi CJ,

    I would like to challenge Oscar, Peter and Vance ("The Workshop") to participate in the blog.

    I am going to need your help getting them registered, it will be easier from within the workshop. We could maybe have a quick meet in the morning and update them and allow them to say their say and do there do.........................

    Lets make this happen.

    Shout if you need assitants

    Kind Regards

    Kevin Purcell
    General Manager – Western Cape

  9. I need all the GLTC / GCE branches that I work with very closely to please start participating. I need your input please.

  10. Another part of Soft Skills that get under my skin is when I hear the words "BEFORE MY TIME" or "NOT IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION". To me it is the same as no communication skills. We all have had conflict resolution at the office or home.

  11. I've been previledged enough to work with the team that develops soft skills for everyone within our company. Reading the comments, I can safely say we all agree and acknowledge the importance of soft skills especially in our working environment. We all know we have to work hard on them and develop them. My question is, how well do we react to the opportunities provided to us? Do we grab them with both hands and use them or do we usually see it as a waste of our time?

  12. Jan and Shane ,you guys need to make up. We need a big month this month and we can only do it as a TEAM.
    So get focused guys.....put the tissues away ,pull out the orders and watch the expenses.
