Monday, 18 November 2013

The winner takes it all..

I studied to get confidence. My best friend studied to get a degree and become a CA. It was only after the first 6 months while studying that I really understood what I was enrolled for and that I am quite fascinated by the subjects. I wanted to be a Photographer but I was advised that it is definitely not a paying occupation.

It depends what you want to be in life. And how often do we sit and think of what we really want out of life? I neglect this and know for a fact, that majority of you also do.

A fact – we work in an extremely competitive market and if we do not stay on top of our game we face trouble.

As Neil said, to be the First Choice Supplier of World Class Industrial and Construction Equipment we need each and every one of you to be the Best version of who you are and can be. The only way to be the best version of you is to stay happy, develop your skills and make sure that you are passionate about what you do every day. This is a challenge on its own. A daily one.

Elsabe, Amanda, Lucas, Shane, Jan Hendrik and all the rest contributing parties whether a reader or contributor thanks for making this challenge interesting.

I am extremely excited about the next blog event and cannot wait to hear your comments.

I leave you with a quote that Lorna Gerber (she used to work in LT Accounts Department) wrote in my diary a couple of years ago - it changed my life and I would like to share it with you.

If you keep on doing what you are doing, you will keep on getting what you’ve got!

If you plan to win (what ever big or small) you will win!

ps. watch the space tomorrow for the announcement of the Winner(s).

Ciao ciao

Friday, 8 November 2013

Hi All

Hope you are well?

Today's post has been posted below this notice! Just scroll down...

We have decided that we will give you a week to complete your post assessment (do not stress it is nothing serious). What do you need to do?

        Register on (if you have registered please do not register again).
       By doing this you have notified us that you are interested in completing this assessment and   
       obtaining your certificate. Click YES to get the ingredients.
 You will be given access to the post assessment within 8 working hours.
  REMEMBER to complete it before Friday the 15th November 2013.
      Or you can just send me an email notifying me that you would like to complete the post assessment

                The winner of this Challenge will be announced on Monday the 18th November 2013.

   Ciao ciao

It is Friday – the 8th of November 2013 - the last day of this exciting doro-ella / Goscor Open Week.

Before you start reading lets celebrate with this great song!  Put the volume as loud as possible so that ALL your co-workers can enjoy and dance! (just remember to act responsible and professional J )

It is the 312th day of the year and we only have another 53 left of this 2013. For some it was a fantastic year and for others a horrible one! But what is important is how you faced it!

Check out this link on Wikipedia to see what has happened on this day since 960, events, births all listed but this week we, the Goscorians, made our own history in this company.

For the first time since 1984 we had the opportunity to discuss, read and think about interesting topics that affects all of us. We reached 1331 views!! What a great learning platform.
It reminds me of Neil Wilson’s speech during our Vision, Mission and Values launch this year. He said:

“Each and every one of us here today, and each and every Goscor employee, has a life that we live.
This life is obviously important to each of us as it is the only one we have, and the only one we will ever have. Every day, every hour, and every minute that goes by, we carve our influence into this world, making an imprint of who we are and what we stand for. This imprint has an influence on the world and the people around us – no matter how big or small this influence may be, it has an influence. In turn our world and the people around us influence who we are and what we stand for.
Look around you today at the world you are in. This is our Goscor world, and each and every one of you is part of building this world or this place we call Goscor.  Every day, every hour, and every minute that goes by we shape the Goscor world that we live in – you shape the Goscor world that you live in. This is your world and you have control of what it is going to look like.

So when we think of our Goscor Vision - to be ”The first choice supplier of world class industrial and construction equipment” – This gives us a clear picture of the world that we are all helping to build at Goscor. This is a world that you will help create every day, every hour and every minute of your working day at Goscor. And building this world and achieving this vision is certainly no easy task, in fact is HUGE challenge to us all.  To be the FIRST CHOICE SUPPLIER means we have to be the best, and not only must we be the best, but we must be seen to be the best! Why? So that we can attract the best to our world. The best customers, the best equipment manufacturers, and the best people – YOU – You must be the BEST!

So what I am asking you here today is to be the best version of who you are, to bring the best version of you to Goscor every day, and to do the best you can do – every minute, every hour and every day.
With this commitment from each and every one, we will all help achieve our vision of being The first choice supplier of world class industrial and construction equipment. Won’t it be awesome to be the best!” Neil Wilson – CEO Goscor Group of Companies.

Whatever the world and all its challenges throws us, I know that in this Goscor world we have what it takes to be the best because we will be thankful for the opportunity to learn!
Remember to do your post assessment @

Thanks for making my week!

Watch these Motivational clips (what do you think) :

R500 bucks up for grabs to the person/team who challenge this! There's a good reason why Mr. Wilson calls me Goscor's cuckoos HR lady!  You need GUTS to participate in this Challenge :

Thursday, 7 November 2013

WOW!!! Yesterday we reached the 1000 views mark! I never thought we would have so much interest! Facinating.

Today we are discussing Workplace Bullying. 

Have you heard about this? I thought it is only a worry at my kids' school. Surely it is not at work? What is it? Maybe it is a myth?

Is it only Top Down (boss/ employee) or can it be between employees / team members?

Watch these videos :

Intro :

Discussion on what a bully is:

How do we deal with a bully without becoming a thug (general overview) :

a GREAT 4.4million view Testimonial :

Have a fabulous day!
ciao ciao

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Hi there!

Elsabe is on the ball today! The post assessment will be opened on Friday the 8th. You will login onto  and go to doro-ella Goscor Open Week Challenge and do the post assessment.

If you have not registered you will not be able to login.

Is Lucas Janse v Vuuren the leader of the pack or is Shane Farren starting to climb the ladder (oh yes and what happened to Kevin Purcell?)

Idanette Barnard has some interesting comments and Amanda White is very honest!

Jan Hendrik Rust cannot stand it that Anthony Fouche is participating more than he is... 

Lets see what happens today...

What is your thoughts, experiences etc. on Soft Skills

Watch this 4 minutes YouTube interview :
What's up for grabs to the person with the highest score?

A 2 night complimentary stay for 2 adults and 2 children under 12 at Oribi Gorge Hotel in a family room, including breakfast. PLUS a R2000 cash payment directly into your bank account for travel costs! (This is not exchangeable or transferable).

check it out :

Interested in participating?

Make sure you have this scorecard with you! Claim your Fame!

Top 10 Participants for 5 November!

Shane Farren - Lift Trucks
Lucas Janse van Vuuren - Bobcat
Amanda White - Finance
Idanette Barnard - Head Office
Anthony Fouche - Lift Trucks
Bernadette Visser - KLG
Charlene Joosten - Bobcat
Ian Caulfield - Bobcat
Kobus vd Berg - Rental
Elsabe Kok - Head Office

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

WOW we had 236 views yesterday alone and in total 517!!!

Today is the 3rd day of our Challenge and our Topic today is one of my personal favorites - EI!

Emotional Intelligence - what is it? Why is it important to have EI in your role? Does Social Networking kill EI? Watch this YouTube video :

Thanks to the Top 10 Participants yesterday they are:-
1. Lucas J v Vuuren - Bobcat
2. Jan Hendrik - Lift Trucks
3. Amanda White - Finance
4. Monica Smerdon - Rental
5. Kobus vd Berg - Rental
6. Idanette Barnard - Head Office
7. Elsabe Kok - Head Office
8. Bobby French - Lift Trucks
9. Shane Farren - Lift Trucks
10. Ntsoaki Sethuntsa - Bobcat

Watch out for first Price Details to follow...

ciao ciao!

Monday, 4 November 2013


Hope that each and everyone had a fantastic weekend!

The challenge is on and remember it is for this week only. So make sure that you and/or your team visit this blog every day and participate in the discussions. Remember to send your team names to me

The first price will go to the participant with the most points. HINT : a weekend away...details to follow.

Well done and Thanks to the Top 10 participants on Friday the 1st Nov.

For today watch this inspirational video and let us know what you think. Just click on the text / link. 

ciao ciao

Friday, 1 November 2013

What affect does this space have on business?

What space do you mean?

Welcome, welcome, welcome - Dear Contributors.

In today's day and age we are no longer worried about studying. Why? Because the days of struggling or paying to get information is long gone. It literally takes a click of a button and voila! We have 1000's of answers, solutions or comments about the topic at hand.

It is insane, we even have MOOC's. What is a MOOC? (google it, find out and contribute if you like).

In an article :  11 Enlightening Statistics About MOOCs

MOOCs are growing in popularity and size, but do students benefit? by Jimmy Daly posted February 5, 2013

$60 million Amount invested by Harvard and MIT to launch edX (Source)

$21.1 million Venture capital funding that Udacity has raised (Source)

1.7 million Students who have registered for a Coursera class (Source)

370,000 Number of students who registered for edX courses in fall 2012 (Source)

150,000:1 The student-to-professor ratio in a fall 2011 Udacity class (Source)

98% The percentage of professors that Udacity rejects (Source)

38.5% The percentage of free online classes that are taught from the United States (Source)

33 Universities that have partnered with Coursera (Source)

27% Percentage of MOOCs that focus on computer science (Source)

6%–15% Percentage of gross revenue that Coursera pays to a partner university (Source)

5% The pass rate in MITX’s only massive open online course (Source)

Some might find the above stats interesting while others find it useless. Before we had free access to educational courses we were in a space (pre 1985) where we did not even have free / easy access to world news. CNN was the first channel to provide 24-hour television news coverage as per wikipedia and the article further comments :-

The CNN effect

Coverage of the first Gulf War and other crises of the early 1990s (particularly the infamous Battle of Mogadishu) led officials at the Pentagon to coin the term "the CNN effect" to describe the perceived impact of real time, 24-hour news coverage on the decision-making processes of the American government.

John Kiesewetter explained:

"CNN has changed news. Before CNN, events were reported in two cycles, for morning and evening newspapers and newscasts. Now news knows no cycle. When a plane has crashed, or shots are fired in school, we expect to see it immediately on all-news channels. We don't depend on the Big Three broadcast networks. The turning point point came shortly after CNN's 10th birthday, when Bernard Shaw, Peter Arnett and John Holliman provided play-by-play of the 1991 Gulf War from a Baghdad hotel. The Gulf war proved how CNN had changed the world. U.S. military leaders chose their words carefully during televised press briefings, knowing that Sadam Hussein was watching CNN, too."[4]

What do you think the impact free access to information (space) has on the business’ decision-making process? 

Check out this Cool YouTube video about MOOCs:-

Cannot wait to see your comments!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Join the Fun!

Hi there!

Want to be part of this Goscor Open Week (starting 01 Nov - 8 Nov)?
Follow these simple instructions:-

1. Register on (if you are already registered please do not register again.)
2. Join discussions on the blog and go to the scorecard (listed below) to make sure you get the all
    the points available.
3. If you enter as a team send us the team's name plus the team members' names to
4. You can send sms's to Robynn @ 071 300 6080 and we will publish on the blog on your behalf.

How to get points.
As member of a group you still need to complete below as individual to obtain points. Blogging will be as part of group.

(print this out ) You will get points for the following:-

1. Registering on (or already registered)                              5 points
2. Participate in discussions via the blog / sms during the week.                         20 points
3. Challenge a fellow employee to participate (cc us in on your challenge
    email :                                                                           10 points
4. Challenge a manager to participate on the blog (cc us in on your
    challenge email :                                                           10 points
5. "Like" doro-ella's facebook page.                                                                       5 points
6. Be praised by anyone re. your valuable inputs during this week (on blog).       5 points
7. If you do not have internet or email and you use the Goscor Training
    Centre to participate.                                                                                           5 points
8. Bring a different angle into the topic to be discussed.                                      10 points
9. Do the post assessment @                                            25 points
10. Add team member(s) to your team who do not have internet / email.       
      (reflect these members when sending team details to Adri)                             5 points

easy, peasy don't you think?

The secret? The prizes that are up for grabs...

where knowledge and skills meet for coffee!